
A Girl Needs A Little Fresh Inspiration Now and Then!

How often do we take the time to gather as women and share our personal interests and inspirations for style over brunch?  Whether you are the fashion savvy or the fashion needy, that's exactly what we did at our recent Freshen Your Fashion Workshop.  We crowded around the table with scissors, magazines and catalogs in hand to create our new inspiration boards for fall and winter.  Knowing what we already had in our closets, we combed over the pages for what would be good complements to add to it this season.  Then we went into my closet and, using my board, we were inspired to put new combinations of outfits together.  I love using my inspiration board to take the panic out of that old familiar feeling of desperation every morning:
 "What am I going to wear today"? 

Each woman brought a few favorites from her closet and talked about how she would wear each particular piece. Soon we were encouraging each other to wear our things in new ways .  Each beautiful woman was growing in her confidence to step out of her "clothing comfort zone" and into the possibilities of new fashion trends and techniques! 

Later that morning we took a field trip to a client of Bloom's closet that lives close by.  It was great to see what components made up ShawNa's wardrobe. She had organized it to accommodate great layering techniques:  long tunics, short sweaters or jackets, leggings/skinny jeans, skirts, boots, scarfs, and jewelry.  A lot of diversity, creating a lot of interest! 

The "cherry on top" for me was giving the women one last exercise, by having them create an outfit from ShawNa's closet that reflected their own style...imagine that! Each woman did an amazing job.  Not only did they assemble great outfits, but completed them with shoes and jewelry to match! I believe that every woman left with the confidence to return to her own closet and "Freshen her Fashion"